Roberto Fontanarrosa was an Argentinian writer, comic strip artist and comedian who was very fond of football. But very, very much. Outside his country he is not as well known as Lionel Messi or Che Guevara, both from Rosario like himself, but in Argentina he is becoming a popular myth, especially since his death in 2007. For example, for a time, Rosario Central, the club he loved, had as its second crest a fan that he had drawn.
He is also an important figure in my life. Without Fontanarrosa there would be no nutmeg fc.
First, because he was the one who introduced me to literature. His stories were the first adult fiction I read of my own free will. He caught me and opened the doors to the world of reading. Nothing would have been the same if I had started with Kenzaburo Oé.
Secondly, because it showed me that football was not an anti-intellectual activity as I was given to understand at school, but an inexhaustible source of stories and social connections, a cultural and social phenomenon and even one of the best therapies. Fontanarrosa used to say that when you play football you forget all your problems, your only concern is the rival left winger.
Exactly the opposite of what happens to the goalkeeper in this ad, in further proof that football can be used to talk about anything.